Friday 21 September 2012

Where in the world?

Where in the world do I want to go?

This is FAR too broad of a question, and my answer will always be: EVERYWHERE! Narrowing down a realistic travel destination for the Christmas break was always going to be difficult, and it is proving to be just that. The Trans-Siberian express through China, Mongolia and Russia? Or travel from Eastern Europe from Turkey to Czech Republic? How about a road trip through America!? The world has to many options to fit into a uni break!

I've narrowed it down, sort of, to Asia, which leaves a lot of options and far too many decisions. Once you decide on a destination, I feel as though it becomes even harder to agree on an actual travel plan. Australia is so removed and far away from the world that leaving it seems like a huge task. However comparatively, so many other countries are within weekend-trip-distance. This makes narrowing down destinations impossible! A quick train ride to the left, or a jet to the right, and you're in another country - which is surely a novelty to any Australian.

Time travels far too quickly, and I need to make a decision! I've given myself just one week - my travel plans will be up in detail in one week! Can't wait to find out where I'm going..

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