Friday 21 September 2012

Flights: Booked! Plans: not made..

I booked my flight!

I knew I was going to travel somewhere these Christmas holidays, but no travel plans really seem set until the flight is booked. It's such a rush! Concreting plans, making dreams a reality. The feeling of accomplishing something, of knowing your plans will happen and of anticipation is incredible. But then, and perhaps this is just me, I always feel a bit anti-climatic. Flights have been booked, destinations chosen, rough travel plans nutted out....and then there is nothing more to do than wait..

As a child my mother always told me, "waiting is the best part, the anticipation makes everything more exciting." Somehow, I never believed her. I wanted everything now - why wait in anticipation when you could have it right now! Surely the joy of having something was far more than the waiting for it? Except, it turns out she was right, waiting makes finally getting something far more exciting. 

So now all I have to do is wait... At least my flights are booked! 

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