Tuesday 4 September 2012

Late night ads

Watching nightly T.V used to be a relaxing ritual for my family growing up. Whatever we watched incited discussion, provided entertainment and seemed to bring us together after our very separate days. As I grew a little older, all I wanted as a teenager was my own T.V. When I was given a tiny yet bulky box for Christmas on year, i still retained my nightly family ritual, however it meant I could stay up till the wee hours watching shoddy programs and old re-runs - I loved it!

Oh how times have changed - and in such a short time! I do not watch much T.V these days, so it is rare to find me lying on the couch channel surfing late at night, except for tonight. For some reason I felt exceptionally lazy, and flicked on the T.V to see what was on. All of a sudden I simply cannot stand the ads! They never seemed to be a problem, but these days I pick up my computer, check my phone, leave the room or even turn the box off at the mere sight of an ad. We have been discussing the future of commercial media in the past lectures, and it has been said a few times that the future of tradition advertising in unstable - that people are no longer willing to listen to ads. Not until now did I realize how true that is! In fact, rather than sit through countless irrelevant ads I chose to do uni work in the form of blogging. Fancy that!

Not being able to fast forward through ads on nappies, overpriced clothing and ridiculous new programs was infuriating! The future of advertising clearly need to become far more specific in its targeting. Just like the jellybeans way back in the second lecture, there is no way I am going back to a platform for old advertising when identical centent is available far more conveniently online. I suspect the majority of the public feels the exact same way.

It will be very interesting to see the ideas advertising agencies come up with for the future of advertising, with product placement, integrated advertisement and plugging being just the beginning. People will always have a desire and need for entertainment, and thus entertainment will always need to be financially supported, however who will end up paying for, essentially, our dislike of ads: viewers or business?

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